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- Registrován: úte 13. úno 2024 8:32:04
Poker Face's Final Fall
The gambling halls consumed me. I, Alex, squandered it all at the poker tables.
Constantly, the roulette wheel spun its hypnotic dance. The whir of slot machines was my siren's call.
My wife, Anna, begged me to stop gambling, but I couldn't resist the pull.
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Returning to our apartment with the bitter taste of defeat, I found only a note: "I can't do this anymore. Your gambling addiction has become unbearable."
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Health experts recognized severe depression, deepened by my losses at the tables.
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Constantly, the roulette wheel spun its hypnotic dance. The whir of slot machines was my siren's call.
My wife, Anna, begged me to stop gambling, but I couldn't resist the pull.
On that tragic night at the high-stakes tables, I gambled all we had: our security, our property - in a high-stakes poker game.
The slot machine displayed "LOSE" and the house always wins.
Returning to our apartment with the bitter taste of defeat, I found only a note: "I can't do this anymore. Your gambling addiction has become unbearable."
Left behind in an bare space, I finally saw that pursuing the jackpot cost me my true treasures.
Health experts recognized severe depression, deepened by my losses at the tables.
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